Monday, October 29, 2018


Working with yarn and cardboard looms, students from 7 year old class are using their creativity to make mini woven hangings. You all know what an excellent activity weaving is for our kids, it improves motor skills, teaches us about pattern and how to work through problems that we may encounter while weaving. 
Even tough it was little bit challenging at the beginning, the 7 year olds really mastered the weaving skills and were really good at staying focused and helping each other. Bravo!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Watercolors and straws

Today in art class preschoolers did "blow painting". Each student got a straw and a paper with a  drop of liquid paint. Students had to blow the watery paint in order to modify the happy accident. It was fun to watch, super satisfying to do, and the results were soooo intersting! It's a simple art activity that no matter how many times it's done, it will never get boring. Every time the results are different. Try it at home 😉

Thursday, October 18, 2018


Students learned about onomatopoeia in their literacy class, so in art class they were asked to think of a word that imitates a sound, and paint it with vivid colors that will make the paintings pop like in the comics. The lesson goal was to mix the primary colors in order to make all the other secondary colors. 
When students were finished with the "Pop Art" paintings, they choose looms and started a weaving activity. Before we started with this relaxing, tactile and sensory experience we watched a short video that introduced us about the traditional weaving technique that is typical for different communities and cultures. 

Beautiful oops - Oh no, holes in a paper!

Beautiful Oops! by Barney Saltzberg is a really fun and vibrant book that celebrates the mistakes.
In art there are no mistakes, only happy accidents 😃
The book is incredibly tactile, and we read it with also touching and investigating the pages. Inspired from the book, students got a paper with a hole, and using their creative thinking skills, they had to turn the 'hole' in to something beautiful. What a creative group of students!