Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Painting with carborad

Instead of using brushes, we painted some Christmas trees with cardboard pieces. Outstanding results with such a simple technique! 

Story Boxes

In this after  school activity, students selected a tale, book or a story and created the setting in a cardboard box. There was no limit in materials or creativity! Students used recyclables and variety of craft materials. They created some really original pieces, that they later used in their plays with characters and dramatic story telling.

Painting with liquid paint and straws

Relaxing with some weaving

Monday, December 3, 2018

Young Artists Exploring Color Relationships

In this painting activity, students learned about analogous colors, and how well they go together. Analogous colors sit next to each other on the color wheel. They tend to look pleasant together because they are closely related.  
We also talked about how they can be often found in nature and are harmonious to look at. 

Monday, October 29, 2018


Working with yarn and cardboard looms, students from 7 year old class are using their creativity to make mini woven hangings. You all know what an excellent activity weaving is for our kids, it improves motor skills, teaches us about pattern and how to work through problems that we may encounter while weaving. 
Even tough it was little bit challenging at the beginning, the 7 year olds really mastered the weaving skills and were really good at staying focused and helping each other. Bravo!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Watercolors and straws

Today in art class preschoolers did "blow painting". Each student got a straw and a paper with a  drop of liquid paint. Students had to blow the watery paint in order to modify the happy accident. It was fun to watch, super satisfying to do, and the results were soooo intersting! It's a simple art activity that no matter how many times it's done, it will never get boring. Every time the results are different. Try it at home 😉