Sunday, May 24, 2020

Spread Joy not Germs-Photo Contest 2019/20

This year's theme was "Spread JOY not GERMS"

Take your cameras (or your phones) and snap some pictures around the house, maybe some interesting activities you do as a family, maybe a view from the window, light falling on a spot in your room, a detail you would normally not pay attention to, an unusual perspective of a common object... just start capturing moments at home and spread some JOY!

The selection of the wining photographs was made by the well established photographer Elena Bojadzieva, who is teaching photography at the University for Audiovisual Arts EFTA (IU Europa Prima) since 2011. She has received her BA of Photography at the National academy for theatre and film art - NATFIZ in Sofia, Bulgaria, school of Art and Applied Photography and her MA in film art in the field of production. Thank you Elena Bojadzieva for being the juror in our photo contest.

Elementary Students

1st Place

2nd Place 

3rd place
photograph by Adah

by Marrtin

by Anja

by Anja

by Anja

by Ava Raye

by Ava Raye

by Ava Raye

by Ava Raye

by Deren

by Ethan

by Henry

by Henry

by Henry

by Keagan

by Nita

by Olof

by Oscar

by Reed

by Zellie

by Zellie

Middle School / High School

1st PLace 
photograph by Annabelle

2nd Place by Eli

3rd Place "Artogeia Rapae - Butterfly"
by Dora

by Dora - Yellow-Eyed Cat

by Dora -Tree Sparrow

by Dora -A Dog's Goofy Grin

by Lora

by Lora

by Lora

by Lora

by Matteo

by Sarah

by Sarah


1st Place
"Trampoline" by Shannon

2nd Place
photo by John

3rd Place
photo by Gilles

"April 1st Joy! "by David

photo by

photo by Josh

photo by Josh

photo by Julijana

photo by Marga

by Tami

by Zelie's Granddad


"Resilience" by Bali

" Pain" by Gilles

Best Contemporary Photography:

1st Place

 2nd place
by Martin

 3rd place
by Matteo 

Best Collection:
by Lora

Recognition for the Youngest Participants

