Friday, February 22, 2019

Opposites Photography Contest

Thanks to Shannon for taking the time to work on the selection for the winning photographs.The selection was being made based on the theme of the contest, the composition of each photograph, and the emotion of the photograph.

Elementary Students
1st Shadow
2nd Action & Stop 
3rd from a distance and behind the wood panels

Middle School and High School
1st: Dark vs. Light
2nd: Shadow Duo 
3rd Captivity vs. Freedom 

1. Tiny Hand in Big Hand
2.   Switzerland
3. Caught 

Honorable Mention: 
Boy vs Nature
Kids & leaves  


 Adventurer and an observer

 Boy vs Nature, Honorable mention

Black and White
Cold toes

Caught , 3rd place

Sky and Shade 

kids and leaves, Honorable mention


Tiny hand in a big hand, 1st place

 The crowd take over the concert

Switzerland, 2nd place

Middle School and High School

Dark vs Light , 1st place
Shadows, 2nd place

 Humans vs Animal

 Opposite Direction, 3rd place

Elementary Students

 From a Distance, 3rd place

 Action and Stop, 2nd place

3rd place

first place

Logo Design

Logo is a brand or symbol that gives companies a representation of it's products, meaning, idea, target audience, purpose, values.... 
Students in this lesson were learning how to represent all those important parts of a company/brand through one symbol that will immediately be recognizable. High school and middle school students learned  a lot about the designing processes. How it takes a lot of research, brainstorming with keywords and images,  creative thinking and experimenting with shapes, colors and writing styles.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Artists of the Month

February is month of Aesthetic Appreciation. Taking into consideration effort, originality, persistence and focus,  I decided to recognize two young artists that did an exceptional work in our 'texture' lesson and created some amazing artworks this month:


Wei Wei

Monday, February 18, 2019

Portrait prints

I saw a similar activity here:
so I thought we can try this with my 6 year old class. 
On a transparent plastic sheet, students traced the face of their partner with tempera paint, and than printed the image on paper. It's a great activity in observation, hand/eye coordination and painting. The portrait prints turned out fantastic!